33,000 Nurses Short in Ontario, Five Years to Mobilize more Nurses

Over 33,000 Nurses Short, In Just 5 Years. Ontario is facing a nursing crisis. And addressing the issues with student recruitment and retention is a good place to start Build Up the Farm System Optimizing the Bridge Between Training & Career Introduction The looming nursing shortage is a critical concern that healthcare authorities need to […]
We’re Going to E-Health 2023 in Toronto

CP+ is exhibiting at the E-Health Conference in Toronto. Clinical Placement + is excited to be an exhibitor at this year’s E-health conference in Toronto. As a cloud-based software platform, Clinical Placement + streamlines the clinical placement process for healthcare students, schools, and clinical sites. It helps to reduce administrative burden and ensure compliance while […]
Introducing CP+

Helping Health Care HR Teams Battle The Staffing Crisis! Not All Heroes Wear Capes Ok, I know that clinical placements don’t seem like a heroic endeavour. But I am here to tell you that it isn’t far off. The shortage of nurses, doctors and all clinical staff is an issue that is plaguing healthcare systems […]